In many car accident cases, the parties dispute liability. How do you dispute car accident fault? How do you show the other driver caused the car accident?
Watch the following video for a discussion this topic! The full video transcript is below.
As you watched in the video, there are different ways to establish fault in a car accident. They include:
- witness statements and testimony;
- photographic evidence;
- video evidence;
- cell phone records; and,
- police reports.
But remember, every car accident is unique. As a result, there may be ways to establish a party’s fault not included in the list. After a car accident, contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to he or she can begin gathering evidence establishing fault.
We hope you enjoyed reading, “How Do You Dispute Car Accident Fault?” At Barthelette Law, we handle car accidents. If you have any questions about car accidents or establishing car accident fault, call us today!
Video Transcript