As I have written about before, Florida is the most dangerous state for bicyclists. Make sure to take proper safety precautions and ride safely. How are bicycle accident statistics trending? To gain insight, here are Florida’s 2019 bicycle accident statistics, with a comparison to Florida’s 2018 bicycle accident statistics.
First: Total Number Of Bicycle Accidents
In 2019, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles notes that there were 6,663 bicycle crashes. [1] This was a slight increase from 2018, which had 6,590 bicycle crashes.
Second: Total Number Of Fatal Bicycle Accidents
Last year, 155 Florida bicyclists lost their lives in bicycle accidents. In 2018, 150 Florida bicyclists lost their lives.
Third: Palm Beach County Bicycle Accident Statistics
In 2019, Palm Beach County had 428 bicycle crashes, with 5 bicycle fatalities.
Fourth: Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade Counties
In 2019, there were 1,972 total bicycle crashes, with 34 bicycle fatalities. Not surprisingly the tri-county area is responsible for nearly 25% of all bicycle accidents, and responsible for nearly 20% of all fatal bicycle accidents.
Fifth: Where Are The Overall Trends Heading?
Generally, bicycle accidents are on the rise. In an excellent article in Outside Online (available here), the author notes that cycling deaths are on the rise nationwide. Further, the article notes other national trends:
- For fatal bicycle accidents between 2015 and 2019, 9% involved a speeding driver, 16% involved a drunk driver, and 20% involved a hit and run driver;
- Bicycle accidents are on the rise because drivers are driving faster than ever, driving more, using cell phones, and driving larger cars; and,
- Even with Covid-19 cutting down car traffic, cyclists’ deaths continue.
Barthelette Law, Your Boca Raton Bicycle Accident Attorney
We hope this post provided insight on Florida’s 2019 bicycle accident statistics.
At Barthelette Law, we have experience helping bicycle accident victims. If you or a loved one are involved in a bicycle accident, call us today!
[1] The bicycle accident statistics from this post are from: