Right now, Tropical Storm Eta’s winds and rain are quite serious, with winds gusts up to 60 miles per hour. Be extremely cautious if you must drive during Tropical Storm Eta.
First: Drive Only If Absolutely Necessary
If you do not have to drive, then do not. With Tropical Storm Eta’s heavy winds and rain, driving will be quite difficult. It is best to stay home and avoid the roads, as they will be particularly dangerous with heavy rains, winds, debris, and potential power outages.
Second: Avoid Flooded Streets
If you must drive, avoid flooded streets. Often times, it is difficult to predict how deep flooded streets can be. Plus, flood waters can greatly damage your vehicle.
Third: Be Visible To Other Drivers
Additionally, keep your headlights on so other drivers can see you. If the rains are especially intense affecting your vision and visibility, pull off to the side of the road until conditions improve.
Of course, always wear your seat belt and drive cautiously.
Fourth: Consider And Anticipate The Strong Winds
Winds during tropical storms can be quite intense. If you have a small car or other vehicle that does handle winds well, keep this in mind. Winds can push vehicles and affect your ability to steer safely.
Fifth: Keep Space Between The Vehicles Around You
Because of the dangerous conditions, it is best to keep as much space as possible between you and the vehicles around you. In case a vehicle near you needs to suddenly stop, you need to have enough space to brake and avoid a potential accident.
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The latest updates on Tropical Storm Eta can be found here.
Again, avoid the roads while Tropical Storm Eta passes South Florida. Be extremely cautious if you must drive during Tropical Storm Eta.
Stay safe!